Meet the team – Emma Alderman

14 May 2024

Meet Emma Alderman, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at Winvic.

As a key member of the West Midlands Interchange team, Emma is investing time in the community to better understand how the project can support the people who surround it; identifying opportunities that benefit local residents, students and businesses.

As part of the work Emma continues to focus on, she has already delivered and hosted:

  • 9 curriculum engagement activities for secondary schools and universities
  • 9 weeks of work placement experience to three T-level students
  • 4 apprentices working on site

“It’s been great to see first-hand how the activities we’re delivering for WMI are benefiting local people long-term, especially to the regions next generation of workers. Efforts that aim to improve the employability of young people, improve skills, and help get more local people in employment.”

As Emma continues to work across the WMI project team, she is also speaking with our local partners and intermediary organisations involved in the WMI Employment and Skills Partnership. Together we are all helping to deliver against areas of:

  • Local employment – advertising jobs through the Staffordshire Jobs and Careers Page
  • Curriculum engagement activities with local schools, colleges and universities – delivered through site visits, employer talks, career fairs, mock interviews, STEM activities
  • Work experience and work placement opportunities – improving employability of young people
  • Training and upskilling – improving skills for local people and the onsite workforce
  • Local procurement opportunities – for local businesses, MSMEs and VCSEs
  • Supporting local community projects – donations of time and resources